The Ultimate Baby Formula Hunt 2022!

I may not have kiddos of my own, but I have a lot of little ones that I love dearly, and today I joined the hunt with many parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. for baby formula.

Out of all of our tiny humans, we have two little ones that are still on formula. Baby Cooper is ALMOST six months old and Baby Mason is three months old. Both of these little guys are so adorable and have me completely wrapped, but that is just a fun extra fun fact from me. I had heard about the problems finding baby formula, but I guess since I don't have kids of my own, I didn't realize until the last week just how serious of a problem it had become. I got texts from both Cooper's mommy and Mason's mommy "to be on the lookout." Honestly, when I got the texts, I of course said yes I would be looking, but it still didn't hit me.

Today after the show I went on the ultimate scavenger hunt. I had pictures on my phone of both formulas so that I knew I was getting the right one. As I was going to the different stores, seeing the store shelves bare, and seeing multiple men and women doing the same thing I was, it hit me. This is such a scary time for parents. I can only imagine that being a parent is difficult since I don't know first hand, but to be in this heart just broke.

This isn't to scare anyone, or cause panic buying, but to let you know that if you are worried, you aren't alone, and guess what...I love you and am praying for you. So many people can "hate" people they don't even know, so if that is the case, I can love you even if I don't know you personally. You aren't alone, and hey mom, dad, are doing a good job. In case in the middle of this you feel like you aren' are a Rockstar.


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