WDRM Coat Drive for The Downtown Rescue Mission

The Downtown Rescue Mission does so many wonderful things for our community, and when Dingo recently toured their facility, he realized that with our WDRM listeners we could help them as they approach the colder months. He shared with Blair the impact they are making and this event was created!

On November 20th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Dingo and Blair will be collecting new and gently used coats to help them stock their inventory heading into these colder months. Dingo will be set up at Chili's in Jones Valley here in Huntsville, and Blair will be set up at The Von Braun Center near the Box Office.

We are encouraging all of our listeners to get involved too! Get your office, your neighborhood, or your family to collect their coats and bring them out November 20th! Can't come out on the 20th?! Let us know and we will arrange to come get them from you!

We want to make an impact and it's not possible without YOU! Can we count on you to help us?

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